Friday, July 13, 2012

Sure is a lot of rain!

A down problem with us!

July 13, 2012

One of the most beautiful aspects of motorcycle travel is talking and interacting with all of the people we meet along the way.  Yesterday, we gassed and fooded 6 times.  People at all of these stops wondered where we were going, how I got all of the stuff on the back of my bike, and wishing us safe journeys.  While topping off my tires with air, another biker came up to me from the gas pumps and asked whether I had a flat tire and if I wanted to use his tire plug kit.  I thanked him and told him I was just low on air.  That happens all the time while riding.

The other aspect is that it causes us to slow down, relax, and spend time doing - nothing.  We're staying in Ashland, KY today - it's raining now and the gurus are calling for rain all day.  We'll nap, read, watch crapola on TV, talk to the Captain and the Goose early, and just gaze into
each other's eyes (whoops - too much information)